Centre for Child Development and Assisted Learning

Integrated Centre for Child Neurodevelopment


Our Therapy and support and Your care for a Better Tomorrow of Your Child!



Every growing Child is unique and so are his developmental pattern, learning pattern and needs. Aberrations in the development and learning of their child are a great cause of concern for the parents and caretakers. “Children with Special needs” require special attention & understanding for optimizing their development and learning.

Rainbow is the symbol of unity in diversity. Each color of the rainbow represents a different quality or character but together the colors unite to make a spectrum of white light adding brightness to the sky. Just like the rainbow colours; diverse therapies together in unison as Developmental therapy are required for taking the child to a brighter tomorrow.

Our trans-disciplinary team provides support through early & accurate assessment and comprehensive intervention for improving the skills and abilities of the child and awareness and expertise of the family.

Every CHILD has the Right

  • to Name and Nationality …
  • to Affection, Love and Understanding ...
  • to be helped if Physically or Mentally challenged ...
  • to be educated and re-educated if mal-adjusted ...
  • to become a Useful member of the society ...

Our children are the future of the nation & healthy upbringing of the child is responsibility of all those; who come in contact with the child With your help; we can attempt to build a future for these children, their family and our society.

Help every Child with Special Needs for development and Learning….

Help us to take them towards a better tomorrow!

Copyright © 2020, Dr. Anjali Bangalore, ICON, Aurangabad 
Site Creation Credits: @Adits Pvt. Ltd.