Centre for Child Development and Assisted Learning

Integrated Centre for Child Neurodevelopment

ICON Centre was founded in 2008 with the intention of providing help and care to the 'Different'  or 'Special' children in the society. These are children with developmental, behavioral or educational problems. Statistically it is seen that they comprise at least 0.8% children.The familes of such children face many difficulties as they have to run from place to place due to lack of awareness as well as availability of support and services.

ICON Centre is a sincere attempt to integrate all the services needed for these children under one roof. The centre achieves this with the help of a team of doctors, therapists, special educators and teachers who have been working at an individual level for many years. Under the roof of ICON, the team works together and provides holistic care and support through early diagnosis, individualised intervention, parent counselling and training activities as well as community awarenss programs.

ICON functions through it's two subdivisions -

ICAL Centre for Child Development and Assisted Learning

ICCN Integrated Centre for Child Neurodevelopment

Centre for Child Development and Assisted Learning focuses mainly on the Early Intervention and effective Inclusive education support to 'Slow Learners' and their families. Many different children have mild to moderate difficulties. They struggle to learn in formal schools. and they can not benefit in special schools also because these schools mainly focus on functional education. These 'SLOW Learners' in society need individualised training according to the challenges faced by them so that they can 'bridge up their gaps in development or learning skills. It is very essential that such children are identified early in life and receive best possible help to tap their residual potential and a few even need continued help to enable them for effective 'Inclusive Education'.

Integrated Centre for Child Neurodevelopment provides neurological consultation & diagnostic tests for children with neurological disorders. It works for developmental, psycological and behavioral evaluation & family and adolescent counselling services. The centre also provides rehabilitation services, vocational support to children with moderate to severe deficits and training for the families of these children.

Copyright © 2020, Dr. Anjali Bangalore, ICON, Aurangabad 
Site Creation Credits: @Adits Pvt. Ltd.