Centre for Child Development and Assisted Learning

Integrated Centre for Child Neurodevelopment

Is your child different than others?

Are you concerned that he/she ...

...looks different!

  • Do you think your child has different looks than others?
  • Are you worried because your child was a low birth weight or a preterm baby?
  • Did he/she have delayed development?
  • Was there a delay in walking?
  • Does your child have fits or any other muscle weakness or balance disorder?

You may have been told that - your child may have Neurological or Developmental Disorder.

...behaves differently!

  • Does he/she speak less or refuse to mix with other children?
  • Does he/she behave differently?
  • Do you think that your child is over active and lacks attention for tasks?

You may have been told that - your child may have speech delay or Autism? He may have ADHD.

..learns differently!

  • Does he take a lot of time to understand your instructions and learn?
  • Does your child confuse b with d and 3 with 6?
  • Does he/she do lot of errors in reading or writing?

You may have been told that - your child may have Educational problems or Dyslexia

Copyright © 2020, Dr. Anjali Bangalore, ICON, Aurangabad 
Site Creation Credits: @Adits Pvt. Ltd.